There is no quick fix to stop hurting from your breakup. No one can guarantee to get your ex back, because people have free will. You can’t control what your ex does; and the more you try the less attractive you become. Did you try no contact for 30 …
Stop Giving Your Ex Hope
If you know that you are completely done with your ex and never want to get back together then please stop giving your ex hope that you’ll reunite. I say that because it’s hard to completely disconnect from someone, especially if you were together a long time. It feels …
Should I Take My Ex Back? Or Stay With My New Love?
After a breakup, most people don’t stop thinking about their ex until they fall in love with someone else. Therefore, when you first meet someone new you may still have feelings for your ex. That can really complicate things if your ex decides s/he wants to get back together with …
After a Breakup Your Ex Gets All or Nothing
Breakups are really painful. Many of my clients who come to me looking for help to either get their ex back or get over the heartache have never reached out for any kind of help before. But they find themselves unable to handle this kind of grief. Losing the love …
You Can’t Control What Your Ex Does
When living through a breakup your ex consumes the majority of your thoughts. What is he doing? Why doesn’t she want me? What’s wrong with me? That’s when the bargaining stage of the grief process begins. You start obsessing about what you could do better so you can get your …
Natural Cure for a Painful Breakup
Order MSM from Amazon: The pain of someone you love breaking up with you can be more than you can bear at times. So I’d like to offer you an easy, natural way to feel better. Simply go for a run! Working out is a natural antidepressant. It stimulates your brain to …
How to Survive the Weekends After a Breakup
What is my ex doing without me this weekend? Is he or she with someone else? Does s/he even miss me? Those kind of thoughts are one of the hardest parts of a breakup — but you can survive, and even be happy if you choose to think about better things, and do …
Want Your Ex Back?
Be Careful What You Wish For If you’re pining for your ex and hoping to reunite, the best way to feel better is to get over him or her by deciding you don’t want them back. Ask yourself if it was honestly a good relationship for you. I’m not talking about in the beginning when you didn’t REALLY …
Best Way to Make Your Ex Leave You Alone
If you have broken up with someone who is not letting go and won’t stop contacting you, the best way to make your ex leave you alone is to send him/her a very clear message that you are done. As a breakup coach, most of my clients come to me …
Should I Be Friends With My Ex?
Clients frequently ask me, “Should I be friends with my ex?” Well. if you were to be completely honest with yourself, I think you would know that you do not want to be friends with your ex. What you want is to keep him or her in your life because …
How to Stop Being Angry
When you’re angry do you vent to anyone who will listen? If you’re angry at your ex or anyone else do you fantasize about how you would like to tell them off or contemplate how to get revenge? If so, does it help you feel better? Or if you were …
Should We Get Back Together?
Most of my clients come to me wanting their ex back. Sometimes it truly was a relationship worth saving, and I help reunite them and make it even better than it was before. However, more frequently I end up showing him or her how their relationship was dysfunction, and why …
Getting Revenge on Your Ex
They say success is the best revenge. But that’s only true if you’re not trying to get revenge. So if you’re thinking about getting revenge on your ex I warn you it may backfire. Anything you do to purposefully show off for your ex is always transparent, and typically makes …
The Truth About How to Get Your Ex Back
If you do an Internet search for “How to Get Your Ex Back” you’ll find pages of videos, downloadable answers (for a price), and even a few guarantees from non-accredited individuals who promise they have the solution you so desperately want. But this is a cold hard fact: PEOPLE HAVE …
Are You Finding it Hard to go on Without the Love of Your life?
Finding the love of your life is an incredible high, especially if on some level you view him or her as above your typical dating league. So naturally, when it doesn’t work out, or worse, it suddenly ends without warning, it feels hard to go on alone. It may feel …
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