While it is very true that there is no quick fix for getting over a breakup, in this video I want to show you how simple my Action Plan can be. In case you missed my first video make sure you watch that now. I showed you that trying …
The Painful Truth About Your Breakup
There is no quick fix to stop hurting from your breakup. No one can guarantee to get your ex back, because people have free will. You can’t control what your ex does; and the more you try the less attractive you become. Did you try no contact for 30 …
Did Your Ex Threaten Suicide?
It is very common when going through a breakup to have your ex threaten suicide. However, it’s usually just a desperate attempt to manipulate you to stay in the relationship. You should not give in to it. Handle your ex threatening to kill herself by getting someone else involved. The …
You Can’t Control What Your Ex Does
When living through a breakup your ex consumes the majority of your thoughts. What is he doing? Why doesn’t she want me? What’s wrong with me? That’s when the bargaining stage of the grief process begins. You start obsessing about what you could do better so you can get your …
Are You Finding it Hard to go on Without the Love of Your life?
Finding the love of your life is an incredible high, especially if on some level you view him or her as above your typical dating league. So naturally, when it doesn’t work out, or worse, it suddenly ends without warning, it feels hard to go on alone. It may feel …