While it is very true that there is no quick fix for getting over a breakup, in this video I want to show you how simple my Action Plan can be. In case you missed my first video make sure you watch that now. I showed you that trying …
The Painful Truth About Your Breakup
There is no quick fix to stop hurting from your breakup. No one can guarantee to get your ex back, because people have free will. You can’t control what your ex does; and the more you try the less attractive you become. Did you try no contact for 30 …
Forgive or Forgo
Forgive and forget is much easier said than done when you feel betrayed or unloved. When you’re unable to get past something that your partner did, or didn’t do, it’s easy to become passive aggressive. The impulse to punish your partner for hurting you is certainly understandable. However, make …
You Can’t Force Love
Loving someone who isn’t being loving towards you is a heartbreaking feeling. It causes anxiety that can cause you to behave unattractively which doesn’t help your cause in wanting to be loved. But understanding that you can’t force love will help you feel better about yourself, and possibly help you …
Your Ex Doesn’t Care
After a breakup, many jilted lovers feel the need to communicate their feelings to their ex. They text, email, and/or call to plead their case to give them another chance. But here’s the truth about breakups, your ex doesn’t care how you feel. Your ex’s reality is that he …
Did Your Ex Threaten Suicide?
It is very common when going through a breakup to have your ex threaten suicide. However, it’s usually just a desperate attempt to manipulate you to stay in the relationship. You should not give in to it. Handle your ex threatening to kill herself by getting someone else involved. The …
Do You Know if You’re Self Absorbed?
After a breakup, it’s easy to have 20/20 vision about what you could have done differently to save the relationship. But how about while you’re still in the relationship? Being self absorbed will destroy your relationship. If your current partner is important to you then you need to make sure …
Don’t Ask Questions if You Can’t Handle the Answers
Probably the easiest way to avoid hurting yourself more when you’re struggling through a painful breakup is to stop talking to your ex. Most definitely, don’t ask any questions that can spike your anxiety and make you feel worse if you don’t get the answer you want. Before you ask …
Natural Cure for a Painful Breakup
Order MSM from Amazon: https://amzn.to/2AoBGBS The pain of someone you love breaking up with you can be more than you can bear at times. So I’d like to offer you an easy, natural way to feel better. Simply go for a run! Working out is a natural antidepressant. It stimulates your brain to …
How to Survive the Weekends After a Breakup
What is my ex doing without me this weekend? Is he or she with someone else? Does s/he even miss me? Those kind of thoughts are one of the hardest parts of a breakup — but you can survive, and even be happy if you choose to think about better things, and do …
Time to Stop Blaming Your Parents
Are your childhood issues ruining your relationships? If so, I have to tell you that’s your fault, not your parents. But that’s good news! Because you have the power to stop allowing your demons to sabotage your chance at true love. Stop blaming your parents and start taking action to improve …
Breaking Your Own Heart by Falling in Love Too Easily
Are you feeling heartbroken over someone you only knew for three months or less? Did you fall in love within the first two weeks of meeting? Good news! That means you can get over him or her quickly too. I don’t mean to trivialize what you’re feeling but it’s much …
The Truth About the First Two Months of a Relationship
When you know you know! How many times have you heard someone say that? Many people will say they knew right away that he or she was “the one” as soon as they met their husband or wife. But in reality, you can only know that a person has great …
How to Stop Feeling Rejected
Your perception is your reality. Your brain receives stimuli and information and forms an opinion. What makes relationships tricky is that no two brains perceive information the same way, not even in identical twins. So what seems very real to you may seem ridiculous to someone else. This doesn’t make …
Dealing With the Anger of a Breakup
Question: How do I get rid of the anger I have for past boyfriends who broke my heart? I am particularly angry at the men who said we would get married and without any warning ended the relationship and immediately started dating other women before our relationship was officially over, …
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